Long gone are the days where Canadian schools could only purchase their Scantron compatible sheets through one source. If you’re responsible for the purchasing needs of your educational institution, you now have multiple options to choose from, which we have outlined for you below.
Scantron compatible answer sheets are available directly through Scantron (through Canadian representative General Dynamics), for a hefty price of $65 USD (approximately $87 to $92 CAD) per pack of 500 forms. Over the years, we have received plenty of feedback from our customers regarding the prices and ordering process of going through Scantron in Canada. The main complaints included long shipping delays as orders are only sent outside of the United States once a week, and the burden of minimum purchase orders, particularly for smaller schools. In addition, Canadian buyers are hit hard by brokerage fees, shipping fees (which can climb as high as $120 per order) and fluctuating exchange rates which can make it difficult to incorporate the forms into your school’s annual budget.
Certain third-party sellers offer Scantron compatible answer sheets through the Amazon seller platform. Since the answer sheets are not directly available through Amazon but these third-party vendors, prices, shipping fees and estimated delivery times will vary for each purchase. While less expensive than purchasing from Scantron directly, most prices found on Amazon are still higher than through CAMtria.You will also need to pay shipping costs, as the forms are not eligible for Amazon Prime. As many third-party sellers are located in the United States, you will also need to pay customs fees to transport them across the border.
Scantron compatible forms can also be found on local Classifieds websites like Craigslist or Kijiji, as well as larger websites like eBay. Similar to with Amazon, the identity of sellers vary which means inconsistent pricing, quality of service and shipping times. Shipping fees in particular on eBay are quite costly, going as high as $35 for a single pack of 500 Scantron compatible answer sheets. There is also no guarantee that forms will be available when you need them, or that they will work with your machine. Buyer beware.
CAMtria sells Scantron compatible forms at nearly half the price offered by Scantron. Volume discounts are available for as little as three packs per order. Shipping is always free when ordering within Canada, and you will never have to pay brokerage fees or be surprised by the exchange rate on your final invoice. When you purchase a DataLink Scanner, you will also receive the DataLink Connect, a data reporting and analysis testing software, free of charge.
CAMtria will never force you to purchase a minimum number of forms or sign a contract - because we know that both our service and our prices can’t be beaten.
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